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Lloyd Worrall offers a wayfinding solutions service to help you determine which signs are required for your building. We can also install the signs using experienced fitting teams. From floor plans and/or a site survey, we can specify requirements taking into consideration the needs of those who are unfamiliar with your facility and its surroundings.
Product Codes:
LWG-CAD01 (86mm x 56mm)
LWG-CAD02 (166mm x 56mm)
LWG-CAD03 (246mm x 56mm)
LWG-CAD04 (326mm x 56mm)
Product Codes:
LWG-CAD05 (426mm x 116mm)
LWG-CAD06 (426mm x 166mm)
Product Codes:
LWG-CAD07 (Male)
LWG-CAD08 (Female)
LWG-CAD09 (Accessible)
LWG-CAD10 (Unisex)
LWG-CAD11 (Baby Change)
LWG-CAD12 (Push)
LWG-CAD13 (Pull)
LWG-CAD14 (Fire Door Keep Locked)
LWG-CAD15 (Fire Door Keep Shut)
Product Codes:
LWG-CAD16 (Male)
LWG-CAD17 (Female)
LWG-CAD18 (Accessible)
LWG-CAD19 (Unisex)
LWG-CAD20 (Baby Change)
Custom finish and sizes available on request.
Product Code: LWG-CFI306
Product Code: LWG-INF304
Product Code: LWG-INS303
Product Code: LWG-MON305
Product Code: LWG-SLA301
Product Code: LWG-SSL302